Thursday, December 6, 2012

Faith in Family Life

Having faith in a family is one of the most important things a couple could have.  Often times we see marriages fall apart and families hurt by things such as infidelity.  When marriages fall apart many people are hurt by it.  A big reason for this is the lack of faith and religion that should dwell in the home.  Religion in the key to keeping a lasting marriage because it brings families closer together.  When you pray and read the scriputures as a family it invites the spirit into the home and allows the family to bond together and feel a sense of peace.  Attending church meetings and fulfilling church callings is also important to build a family because it helps us grow closer to our Heavenly Father who blesses our lives.  When a family is closer to the Lord then they will be blessed and in times of need they will be able to turn to their father in heaven and ask in faith for help and it will be given to them.  Families that don't have a firm faith to stand on, often times tend to not deal with difficult situations as easily as those who do because they in their minds don't have anyone to turn to and tend to blame each other for the things that are going wrong.  Families without faith or religion in their home also seem to always be missing something, there are plenty of families out there that don't have faith and religion and in someway seem to make their marriage work, however they are always missing something in their homes.  The spirit doesn't preside in their home and therefore they are missing the warm feeling and the peace that a home should have.

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