Friday, November 16, 2012

3 Simple Ways to Honor Your Wedding Vows!!

I found a woman who keeps a constant blog about everything you need to know about relationships! Love, dating, weddings and marriage! I absolutely love what she has to say and I thought I would share a small part of her blog with you. Chapter 6 in the "Successful Marriages and Family" text is about honoring our marital vows with complete fidelity and i wondered, "What ARE some of the things that we can do to accomplish this?" While researching, I ran across Jennie Lee Williams' Blog and loved what she wrote! Here are her 3 simple steps to how we can honor our wedding vows on a daily basis! :)

1.Spend some time snuggling
One of my wedding vows was to have and to hold my husband from this day forward. We spend a lot of time together, but we often go too long without actually holding each other. When was the last time you and your spouse spent some time in each other's arms? To honor your wedding vows, consider engaging in some form of physical affection every day. Hold hands, snuggle up on the couch, go to bed at the same time, or even just give each other an extra long welcome-home hug.

2.Concentrate on the simple things
Another of my wedding vows was to stick with my husband for richer or for poorer. If we ever made it to "poorer," how would our relationship look? We often spend our time plugged into electronics, and we fret over relative luxuries in life. When was the last time you and your spouse lived as though all you had was each other? To honor your wedding vows, consider spending a few quality minutes doing something simple together each day. Chat over a homemade dinner, discuss something you read that day, or take a walk outside and reconnect.

3.Implement a daily check-in
One of the wedding vows I may sometimes take for granted is to honor my husband in sickness and in health. I think this wedding vow is referring not only to physical health but also to each spouse's mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being. When was the last time you asked your spouse about his day and really spent time with the answer? To honor your wedding vows, consider implementing a daily check-in. You might set some time aside to allow each spouse to share successes, fears, failures, and goals, and discuss ways you can each support one another.
It's easy for wedding vows to become nothing but lip service, but your marriage doesn't have to be that way. Hopefully by keeping your wedding vows in mind each day, you'll have no trouble with the last one: to be together as long as you both shall live!

She's GREAT! Check out her blog! Here's the link below:

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