Sunday, October 28, 2012

Marriage Foundation Tips

Above are some statistics researched in 2011 about the difference between U.S. Mormons and the General U.S. Public which i find very interesting....and might I add, I'm a little bit prideful.

I found this quote and believe that it is truly the tool to a successful marriage (in my opinion of course). Taking responsibility for somebody other than yourself and becoming completely selfless should be the root of every successful marriage. These days, "people have learned to discard everything from paper plates to spouses" (Bateman and Bateman, 2003, p. 7), and sadly, this is the truth. The true tools of a successful marriage will come naturally when we have the desire to learn more about each other. Foundational processes are actions couples take in relation to each other to help their marriage flourish. These things can be small and simple like weekly date nights or focusing on continuing courtship after marriage. They can also be things like completing simple service acts for each other or small acts of kindness to prove selflessness.